(Editor’s note – please check out my newest, up-to-date list of the 25 best PSP games playable on Vita!)

A supplement to my previous posts about favourite Vita games, I thought I would also draw up a list of the best PSP games which are playable on Vita. These are the titles that haven’t left my handheld since I purchased them and regularly wrack up hours of playtime when I’m travelling around. Each has its own redeeming features and I’d definitely recommend you grab them from PSN if they interest you at all!


15. Persona 3 Portable

p-presIt took me a while to like this one due to the tedious dungeon-crawling and story which takes a while to get going, but once it does there’s a brilliant case of character-development in a high school setting. The social links you’ll forge make it all worthwhile in the end and it’s a great case of how to condense a game down to a handheld.


14. Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron

2017-04-16-191614The Battlefront sub-series has always been my favourite in Star Wars and Elite Squadron is no exception – a great portable representation of the franchise that also adds its own twist thanks to the seamless ground-to-space combat alongside impressive graphics for the hardware it’s running on. Check out my review here.


13. Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars

2017-10-10-233431It was a stand-out game on the Dreamcast; then again on the PS2 and Crazy Taxi makes an effortless jump to the PSP with the second game in tow and best of all they’re both compatible with Vita. Race around big open cities picking up passengers and pulling off mad stunts – it’s brilliant and perfect in bite-sized chunks. Check out my review here.


12. Ys Seven

screenshot_psp_ys_seven001A new chapter in the storied Ys franchise that shook things up with its party-based systems, Seven lives up to the pedigree with a brilliant soundtrack; fantastically fast-paced combat and an enjoyable story following adventurer Adol through the new lands of Altago. It’s great on the PSP and even better on Vita.


11. Ridge Racer

rr_sc001_vf2While the Vita version of Ridge Racer was a disappointment due to its lack of content, the PSP version was the complete opposite – filled to the brim with tracks, cars and music from previous games alongside new quality-of-life improvements like nitro boosts. It’s blisteringly fast and frantic and highly enjoyable.


10. Ape Escape

2017-10-04-232253It was a stand-out title for the PS1’s intuitive dual-analogue controls and oddly made the jump to the single-stick PSP, but the same humour; platforming challenges and gadget-based gameplay make the jump across in tact, making for a really fun adventure capturing those cheeky monkeys. Check out my review here.


9. Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters

ratchetclanksizematters_sc002_vf1It proved that the Ratchet formula could work on a handheld and while it suffers from a few issues (it’s a little short; the story isn’t the best) it’s still a fantastic way to play as everyone’s favourite Lombax while he blasts crazy weapons and collects bolts. Looks extremely pretty for a PSP game too, which translates well to Vita. Check out my review here.


8. LittleBigPlanet

158406-little_big_planet_europe-1So, the servers have shut down which takes away a big part of the enjoyment – but underneath all that, LittleBigPlanet for PSP is still a brilliant platformer. It’s got a new set of custom-built levels; the same whimsical design as previous titles with a brilliant soundtrack; lots of prizes to collect and a brand new plot. It’s well worth checking out.


7. Burnout Legends

157203-burnout_legends_greatest_hits_usa-2Burnout Legends is a blistering compilation of previous games in the series that keeps all the speed and mayhem and packages it into a fantastic handheld title, complete with new challenges; gorgeous visuals and a killer licensed soundtrack. Well worth checking out (though sadly only if you have an NA-account Vita). Check out my review here.


6. Tekken 6

158586-tekken_6_usa-4A fantastic portable package that might pale in comparison to the outstanding Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection but still manages to be one of the best fighting games I’ve ever played in its own right. It’s achingly gorgeous (even compared to some Vita-native games), fast and frentic and a joy to play. Check out my review here.


5. Daxter

maxresdefault1Ready at Dawn handle the storied Jak & Daxter franchise with ease in their first PSP title that manages to keep the fantastic platforming gameplay in tact (as well as the highly comedic tone) while mixing in their own gameplay ideas and story quirks. Helps that the title is absolutely beautiful to look at even to this day, too. Check out my review here.


4. WipEout Pulse

maxresdefault2The far superior PSP WipEout entry, Pulse takes the basis laid by Pure – reinvention through returning to the series’ roots after the disappointing Fusion – and runs with it. Blissfully fast and stunningly beautiful, with an array of new tracks and challenges alongside returning favourite game modes, creating one of the PSP’s (and by extension, Vita’s) must-have games.


3. Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy

158719-dissidia_012_-_duodecim_final_fantasy_usa-3A brilliant crossover fighter that manages to mix in a unique gameplay style with plenty of fun ideas of its own, Dissidia 012 is like the holy grail of fanservice for Final Fantasy fans; yet it’s also a fantastic game in its own right. Loaded with content (this one includes the whole of the original game), it’s the best fighter available on the PSP. Check out my review here.


2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories

156462-grand_theft_auto_-_vice_city_stories_europe-1Undoubtedly Grand Theft Auto’s best era, Vice City Stories features all the neon-soaked beauty of its PS2 predecessor in the same big, beautiful open world. New additions such as an addictive empire-building side-task add plenty more content to the package that was already filled to the brim and make it a true handheld classic.


1. Ys; The Oath in Felghana

ys2No change at the top then for a game which is among my favourite RPG’s of all time, Oath in Felghana is a big, beautiful, challenging game that is among the best PSP has to offer. Its focus on singular combat with movement techniques gives it an almost platformer-esque vibe; while the bosses are among the most fierce and enjoyable you’ll come across in gaming. You need to have this title on your Vita memory card.


My top 15 PS1 games playable on Vita coming up tomorrow!